miércoles, agosto 22, 2007

Arch drive goodbye.

All i have tonight is a good title, way too many memories and a hell of a sorrow.
Do you ever think about me?
Arch drive goodbye.
Too damn accurate.

viernes, agosto 17, 2007


I am a natural stalker.

sábado, agosto 11, 2007

My stupid mouth.

Y mis días son domingos, mis veranos son tan necios, y mi soledad.....terriblemente encantadora.

jueves, agosto 09, 2007

Ok Go.

En Texas no te levantas sin mirar tus cartas. Y presiento que tengo buena mano. BRING IT.

Oh, here it goes again.

martes, agosto 07, 2007

Everyone needs an editor.

Mi plasticidad contextual is more than scary.
Its showtime.

jueves, agosto 02, 2007

Life is a song.

When your heart stops beating is playing.
Suddenly Im at the R&R, getting ones to set the jukebox.
Its Plus +44, and I choose it for Alex, thinking "I know this is you".
The other choice was probably some Britney Spears, maybe BUSH, thinking "the world can go to hell tonight, i dont care about u, american dumbass".

And the world partially went to hell for a night.